Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sabarkatha Mission Golden Jubilee Celebration

Sabarkatha Mission Golden Jubilee Celebration
Fifty years of development of the Sabarkantha region is being celebrated this year.
The celebrations were in purely Indian and Tribal style.
Even the Bishops wear shawls for mass , not the catholic traditional vestments.
Those in other parts of the world may find this as an example of indigenization or inculturation in Liturgy different from their experience.

 Arch Bishop Stanny F and Bishop Pathalil.

Local women in traditional dress.

50 Local traditions drums played for the 50 years of Sabarkantha.

Women with traditional sprouts of wheat as offering.

Tradional Tilak on the forehead  for the Bishops

Relatives of Fr Dindayanad.

Fr Dindayanand sj Founder of the Mission Sabarkantha

A tree as a backdrop for the celebrations.

The tree represents different areas developed by Sabarkantha  Mission.

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